9 Things The Parents of Successful Kids Do

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You don't have to make a lot of money to set your child up to be a successful adult. According to researchers, here are 9 things that parents of successful children do to make sure their kids succeed in life.

1. Don't tell them they can be anything they want

According to a research of young Americans, they aren't interested in doing work that needs to be done anymore.  In fact they aspire to be musicians, reality stars, models and athletes, even though those jobs are only comprised of 1% of American occupations.  In reality, jobs in healthcare, construction will be where it's at in the future when more and more younger Americans don't want to do those jobs.  Why not steer them into well-paying professions that will have a shortage of workers?

2. Eat dinner as a family

Children who spend time with their families 5x a week are less likely to have substance abuse issues, teen pregnancy and depression.  Kids who spend time communicating with their parents at the dinner table also have higher grade-point averages, larger vocabularies and higher self esteem.

3. Enforce no gadget time

Researchers have found that the brains of small children can be permanently altered when they spend too much time using tablets and smartphones.  Specifically the development of certain abilities can be impeded such as paying attention, focusing, vocabulary and social skills.  Researchers suggest that parents make the dinner table, the car and bathroom media-free zones.

4. Work outside of the home

Stay at home mom's definitely has its benefits but it turns out that mom's that work outside the home have daughters that are more likely to be employed themselves and even take on supervisory roles, higher wages than their peers whose mothers did not have careers.

5. Let them fail

No parent wants to see their child fail, but it turns out it can be one of the best character building skills a child can learn.  Experiencing failure helps your child learn to cope with unpleasant circumstances, a skill needed in the real world.   Over time, children who have experienced defeat in the past will build a resilience and they will be more willing to attempt difficult tasks and activities  because they are not afraid to fail.

Read the entire list at INC.com

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